If ever there was a morning quite like
Where God's love fills me with bliss
I would want ever stay in this lovely
And bask in the gift of His blessed
If ever there was an afternoon like
And I did not share I would be remiss
That God has so blessed my soul to sing
Praises to our Almighty King.
If ever there was an evening like this
It's golden quietude I shant want to
This show of His glorious majesty
Reveals His magnificent tapestry.
If ever there was a night quite like
When man approached the deep abyss
Earth was given a divine
When Emmanuel came as a babe
Grew, and a new life began to pave
Our wretched souls to save,
His Precious Life He gave.
If ever there was a midnight like this
Blue-black starry-studded night that is
A reflection of the mighty power of God
On this very earth where He trod
His love and mercies have no
We praise Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
© Mel Patterson, 10-4-11