Friday, April 24, 2009

My penitent heart was heavy praying in Church
I knelt sorrowfully until completing my search
for You, Lord,
were coming t'ward me in robe of rose
Gently lifting me up to a blessed and sweet repose.

The gift of Your Divine Presence, how can it be?
I can still see Your coming, Lord, walking towards me
Cupping my elbows with Your tender and loving hands.

You invite me to follow You ~ if I would perchance?
Satan swiftly flees at Your firm commands
And I'm free to waltz with You
in the Heavenly dance.

This is the place I never want to leave;
My soul to Yours will forever cleave.
Invite me again ~ if You would perchance?
That I may join You once more
in the Heavenly dance.

© Mel Patterson, 4-24-09

Thursday, April 02, 2009

In the depth of my sin, I hear You;
When I run, You steadily follow.
You see all that I wrongly do,
And watch as in mire I wallow.

The mountainous terrains are rough;
The dark nights blind my sight.
The cavernous valleys are tough;
Why do I put up such a fight?

You tap on the door of my mind,
Touch the hardness of my heart,
My mud caked soul you unbind
Washing it, salvation to impart.

Why so relentless Your pursuance
Of my soul small as a grain of sand?
Why lift me to You with the assurance
All I need do is take your Hand?

Your Precious Blood bathes my soul
You cleanse the depth of my being
You show me the Prize, the Utmost Goal
The scales fall away and I am seeing.

Your boundless Love surrounds me
I begin to see the reason I'm here
With peace and joy you crown me
You've wiped away my every tear.

© Mel Patterson, April 2, 2009