Friday, March 23, 2007

" An Hour with You "

Sweet Jesus with excited heart I come to see you.
I glance your way and know I am safe.
I am secure in your everlasting Love;
O My Lord, Jesus my Savior, God above,
For only you my very soul and spirit long,
May I ever and always hear your song.

O Lord, my God, I bask in your Radiance.
As I gaze at you, you gaze right back at me,
Blessed Sacrament encased in golden filigree.
I find a taste of your Heavenly treasure;
Within my soul we share Divine pleasure
Which you give to me in limitless measure.

All too soon the time to leave has arrived
And sadly I must go from you until next time;
Lord, I thank you for this hour sublime.

You have filled my spirit with many a grace
Because I came to visit you Face to face
In this quiet and lovely place.
I bow upon bended knees,
To my heart you hold the keys;
Stay within my soul, please.

Reluctantly this meeting must adjourn ~
As I approach the church door and turn
I throw you a kiss you will not spurn
So fed by Holy Spirit Fire,
O Object of my desire,
My soul indeed does burn
Evermore for you I'll yearn.

© Mel Patterson, 3-23-07

Saturday, March 17, 2007


May God send you an angel in the throes of trouble
To come at the most opportune time;
When you feel your life's nothing but rubble
Your angel'll support you; help you in your climb.

You may be taken to another dimension
You may be unaware of what surrounds you;
All is set aright with relief of nagging tension
If you'll heed the message and follow through.

When God sends an angel, he may send a friend ~
He may not send a being with a halo or wings
Although they have been known to descend,
For with God ~ are possible such things.
Either way upon your needs he'll tend
'Til your soul again may ascend.
Then do your angel lend
to another friend
waiting round the bend
for that heart may be broken
In need of a loving token
a warm embrace,
blessing and grace
to make it through
just like you.
Dear Lord I pray to You
Do my friend imbue
With angelic help, too.

© Mel Patterson 3-17-07

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Jesus Christ crucified
have mercy on us.

It seems our world is steeped in sin;
I wonder how it all might have been
Had Lucifer not wanted to be like God.
Robed in pride he defied, and he lied,
Every scheme he contrived
To bring man down low;
To hell man could go
Except for Jesus
To release us
the bondage of sin.

Jesus Christ crucified
have mercy on us.

Daily are the struggles we face
Every day holding its' own disgrace.
Battles within ourselves to win
Purge us, O Lord, from our sin.
Wars on land, air, sea and shore
O Please, Dear God, no more !
Save us from ourselves,
For our very souls satan delves.
Cast him to the pit of fire !
It is to YOU ~ our hearts aspire.

Jesus Christ crucified
have mercy on us.

We come to YOU, Lord, pleading
O Holy One, wounded and bleeding.
We see what we have done to You;
We are sorry and beg forgiveness, too.
It is by Your stripes we are healed
Even as your precious blood congealed
On that fateful Good Friday afternoon
On the Cross of wood they had hewn.
O merciful Lord, so loving and tender
Upon us Your Blessings please render
As we approach You on bended knee
Praising and Worshipping You,
Keeper of the Key,
to Everlasting Eternity,
to Everlasting Eternity !

Jesus Christ crucified
have mercy on us.

© Mel Patterson, March 8, 2007

Saturday, March 03, 2007


When my soul is elevated during deep prayer,
I am transported out of myself to a place where
I have no physical consciousness of self or surrounding
Being caught up in God's peace and love abounding.

It seems Jesus comes to meet me there,
Takes my hand and greets me with great care
Leading me to that place
Where there is no time and no restrictive space
But an openness and freeing up of His grace.

Gliding upwards with Him gently and slowly
My feet barely touch the stairs in the climb;
How could one so simply and pitiably lowly
Gain entrance to an event so utterly sublime?

It is here I see Heaven's Gate in billows of pastel mist
I see pinks and blues, all manner of lovely hues
And I know Heav'n is promised to all on God's list
For He calls each one of us if we listen to His cues.

The vision ends even though my soul transcends
The world and its disturbances to my soul;
Being open to the graces and blessings He sends
Fortifies the spirit in steadily approaching the Goal.

If I could take the Peace I experience at this time
And spread it over and above my limitations,
I would give it to you to assist you in your climb
Then you, too, could taste joy-filled expectations,

© Mel Patterson, 3-3-07

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Outside interference plagues my mind
as I try to unscramble my thoughts,
collect my wits, settle my soul
and rebuke enemy onslaughts
which attack the peace I seek.
Odorous sin does indeed reek
robbing me of inner joy,
as satan wants to employ
all means in all his schemes
to make of me ~ his toy.

No more devil's manipulation !
I decide for God's stipulation,
To set me back on track
And toss the monkey off my back !
I pray the Lord to fill my lack
With blessing and grace
To run the race
However slow the pace.

It is here I begin to see
That prayer is the key
And confession sets me free.

With refreshment and renewal
I see Faith as a precious jewel;
I am forgiven because I confessed;
With God's Graces I am blessed
Beyond all measure
with heavenly treasure.
Is the Father's good will and pleasure.

© Mel Patterson, 3-1-07