Sunday, February 06, 2011


While praying the Rosary in deep reverie
The world appeared as a globe beautiful to behold
One Holy Rosary after another encircled it,
Every bead encrusted in a brilliant gold.

The world was bedewed with tears and prayer
Fervently prayed one decade after another
As souls reached up to Our Lady and Our Lord
Praying for each brother, sister, father, mother.

As Mary leads us to Jesus, her Son
She points to the Cross where He died,
The price He paid for the souls He had won
And Whose loving arms were opened wide.

Heavenward from the earth
the Rosary praying soul soared ~
Toward the Object of her desire,
her heart afire,
~ To His Holy Eminence,
Our Lord.

© Mel Patterson, 2-6-11