Wednesday, December 31, 2008

" Eve of the New Year "

The Eve of the New Year is upon us this day
May the good Lord bless us as we pray
Peace to reign over all the lands
As we trust in His capable hands
To effect that longed for goal
And the good of every soul.

There is the new day with a new way
May the good Lord bless us as we pray.

© Mel Patterson, 12-31-08

Monday, December 29, 2008


Perseverance is a virtue great blessings to imbue
Through it the soul is nurtured as it heeds every cue
From the Holy Spirit who indwells within it if it is true
To the faith of our fathers who guides us through
This earthly life on our way to heaven above
Where finally we'll rest in God's peace and love.

Hold fast!

While the road we travel is strewn with rocks and hills
And we are faced with pain, suffering and many ills,
Still we hold to the faith we were taught
Even though with slings and arrows we are fraught
Sliding and hiding, caught in the tangle
of satan trying every angle
our souls to wrangle.

Hold fast!

He comes, the Lord God of Hosts
The liar-satan snidely boasts
And sneakily slips away,
No more to hold us sway.
Our Savior bathes us in His Blood
His Graces our souls to flood

Hold fast!


© Mel Patterson, 12-29-08
" SAVED From the PIT "

Ho Hum. Life is humdrum.
Nothing worthwhile is at hand;
I'm bored clear out of my gourd.
My feet are sinking in quicksand;
No one loves me; no one holds the key.
How is it I ever came to be me?

Wallowing in my own woes
I guess that's how life goes
The devil has a hold I suppose
Just look at me - it shows.

A spark! A vestige of hope
Perhaps I can cope
A whisper in my ear,
"Take my hand, my Dear.
I am the Way, the Truth and the Life
Come to save you from the strife
To take you away from rife
Come with Me
And you'll see
I promise Eternity
Come, be with Me."

I acquiesce. I say, Yes.
Yes to all You say.
I repent, forgive my sin
My life I will amend
To Your Will I bend
My soul to You I commend.

I firmly recommit and humbly submit
You have saved me from the pit.

Thank You, Savior mine
You are
Holy, Sacred and Divine
Make my heart like Thine.

© Mel Patterson, 12-29-08

Monday, December 15, 2008


Why dost Thou cry, O Lord?
Dost Thou cry because of un-repented sin?
Thou dost know where every man has been.
Is it because sinful man shows no remorse
Is it because apathy abounds? Of course!

We have sinned against Thee, O Lord our God
It is because we permitted ourselves satan to prod.
We beg forgiveness of the pain we caused Thee
With rend-ed hearts we plead, mend our hearts;
Grant the blessings Thy Holy Hand imparts.

No more shall we grieve Thee, O Lord
We band together in one accord
Thanking Thee and Praising Thy Name
Thou art always and ever the Same
Holy Trinity, Holy Unity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Thy Heart, O to be near it
Thy Word, O to hear it
Thy Perfect Love,
We endear it.

© Mel Patterson, 12-15-08