Monday, December 29, 2008

" SAVED From the PIT "

Ho Hum. Life is humdrum.
Nothing worthwhile is at hand;
I'm bored clear out of my gourd.
My feet are sinking in quicksand;
No one loves me; no one holds the key.
How is it I ever came to be me?

Wallowing in my own woes
I guess that's how life goes
The devil has a hold I suppose
Just look at me - it shows.

A spark! A vestige of hope
Perhaps I can cope
A whisper in my ear,
"Take my hand, my Dear.
I am the Way, the Truth and the Life
Come to save you from the strife
To take you away from rife
Come with Me
And you'll see
I promise Eternity
Come, be with Me."

I acquiesce. I say, Yes.
Yes to all You say.
I repent, forgive my sin
My life I will amend
To Your Will I bend
My soul to You I commend.

I firmly recommit and humbly submit
You have saved me from the pit.

Thank You, Savior mine
You are
Holy, Sacred and Divine
Make my heart like Thine.

© Mel Patterson, 12-29-08

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