Monday, April 25, 2011


To celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord
We rejoice in one accord
Wondering at what great a price
He has gifted us with Paradise.

It was necessary for Christ to suffer
Without leniency, without buffer
Left behind was the Glory that was His
The holy realm of heavenly bliss
He was sent by His Father above
To teach us the ways of Christian love.

Because of us He was denied Glory for a while
Teaching and preaching travelin' many a mile
His followers loved Him until His cruel death
Until in the tomb by sweet Holy Spirit breath
He rose up out of the grave our souls to save
What glorious gift our Triune God gave.

Jesus was given back His Glory as was foretold
Even though for thirty pieces of silver He was sold
And passion and death to Him was doled
He gave us Salvation, more precious than gold.
O the Resurrected Lord Jesus.......BEHOLD !

© Mel Patterson, 4-25-11

Friday, April 22, 2011


Our Lord was crucified yesterday and died
His heartbroken mother, relatives and friends cried
For terrible acts evil satan-smitten men contrived.

All friends except John from the morbid scene ran.
Yet Jesus was closer to fulfilling His Father's Plan
Blood Bought Salvation for each mortal man.

The day after Jesus' burial unfolded very sadly
Satan cavorted and cajoled men to act madly
And chortled to see Jesus treated so badly.

From his mother's womb
to the borrowed tomb
He rested, as was God's Will,
until Sunday morning
When on His Resurrection

There would be Glorying.

© Mel Patterson, 4-22-11

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Their Master donned a towel girded about his waist
Each sandal of the twelve was purposely unlaced
And with basin of water each foot He bathed clean
A lesson in sheer humility they had ne'er before seen.

The Lord and the apostles together shared the last meal
Broken bread and blessed wine filled all but one with zeal
Jesus, with heavy heart, said one of them was a betrayer
Knowing already Judas was wallowing in satan's lair.

Their Lord taught them to serve rather than be served
That the seeds of faith He planted would be preserved
He said He was the True Vine and would prepare a place
That the Spirit would visit them with a powerful grace.

They did not want their Master to leave them so soon
In three days time His Passion and Death would loom
They didn't know they would add to His pain
Hiding and denials before the Lord would be slain.

Jesus explained that they would start the first church
To preach, teach and welcome all in their own search
To follow His Way, His Truth, His Life and His Light
Because each man and woman's precious in His sight.

On this Thursday Eve it could not be perceived
That the Lord and Master would be so deceived
That vile and evil acts could be so conceived
And that Crucifixion by Jesus so humbly received.
They insisted. He persisted....
to His very last breath
to His Death.

© Mel Patterson, 4-21-11