Saturday, September 23, 2006


As you look in the mirror
Who do you see?
Do you see the person
You really want to be?

Do you see imperfections?
Do you stare and wonder?
Do you run and hide
Because of your blunder?

Take time and step back
To ponder the matters of the soul.
Find the time to self-examine
Before life without God takes its' toll.

There is a life beyond ourselves we know
We are not the end-all and be-all
When we call out to the Lord in prayer
We need be aware that He does SEE all.

Not a prayer we pray is unheard,
Not a moan, cry or thought absurd.
The Lord, God, is our staff and shield.
With our Baptism we are sealed,
And by His stripes we are healed.

Do we mirror Jesus?
Are we pleased with what we see?
Do we see the person
Jesus wants us to be?

Do we mirror Jesus?
In thought, in word, in deed?
When others watch and see us
Can we fill their need?

As you look in the mirror
Who do you see?
Do you see the person
You really want to be?

© Mel Patterson, 9-23-06

Monday, September 11, 2006

In Memorium of the Events of 9-11-01

Who cannot remember ?
Who cannot pause
For a moment of prayer
United in one cause
~ Because ~
We care on 9-11-01's ~ 5th Anniversary !

Heavenly Father, Almighty God,

You know the wherefores and the whys;

You have heard those thousands of cries

As the Twin Towers tumbled,

And human bodies crumbled,

As Washington and Pennsylvania

Suffered also terrorist mania.

You met them where they were

While Your Love in their hearts did spur

Some to become heros to the end ~

They knew You were their Best Friend.

Their Faith did not bend.

Their reward, Your Gift to them,

Paradise, a Treasure, and Precious Gem.

Bless with healing those who remain

Be their refuge; keep them sane.

Bless them with Peace of minds

And with Graces of all kinds.

Comfort them with the thought

They all are Blood-bought.

May their souls aspire higher

'Til You meet them,

Greet them,


Seat them

At the Grand Banquet of The Lamb.

© Mel Patterson, 9-11-06

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


The mantle you wore was red;
Your gown was white as snow.
Not a word by you was said
But I knew exactly where to go.

You sped me along the path,
Each step faster than the next;
You showed no sign of wrath ~
Not once did I feel perplexed.

I was swept up in your Light,
Fully trusting in your Plan;
Even tho' I had not the foresight
I had the faith and, with it, I ran.

You made the way clear
Where there seemed to be none.
There was no thought of fear,
Not with you, God's Son.

I followed you as you led me
Along the avenues of life;
As I journey on I now see
I grew in trial and strife.

Hold me, mold me, enfold me;
Do with me what you will.
Shake me, break me, take me.
My whole being, Lord, please fill
With you and your Love
~ That I may mirror you ~
~ In all I say and do ~
~ Make me new ~
~ Like you ~

© Mel Patterson, 9-6-06

Sunday, September 03, 2006

" O, Restless Heart "

O, restless heart, battered and worn,
Weary, fatigued, saddened and torn,
Searching for release, respite and relief
From the rigors of life and its' grief
Satan steals hope like a thief.
But alas,
Here comes Jesus,
He opens his heart and invites us in,
Loving us and forgiving our sin,
Placing hope where there once was none,
He is the Messiah, the Holy One.

Keep our sights on Jesus, our Savior;
Upon his tender mercies savor,
Thank him and praise him all day long
For it is to him only our souls belong.

How often do we awaken in the middle of the night
Scared out of our wits and tremble in fright?
Did we hear something that sounded an alarm
Or did we dream someone would cause us harm?

Arise with a prayer and retire at night with one, too
And if you awaken in the night whisper "Jesus, I love you."
The night terrors will soon abate and flee
When we remember to put God first - for that's the Key.

God is First; place all else in its' proper place.
Let's pray to the Lord for the gift of his grace.
So, when we awaken in the night, we can pray
And thank God for the ability to say,
Be our Guest, O Lord, Savior True
We rest our hearts always in you.

© Mel Patterson, 9-3-06

"Our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee."

St. Augustine