Monday, December 15, 2008


Why dost Thou cry, O Lord?
Dost Thou cry because of un-repented sin?
Thou dost know where every man has been.
Is it because sinful man shows no remorse
Is it because apathy abounds? Of course!

We have sinned against Thee, O Lord our God
It is because we permitted ourselves satan to prod.
We beg forgiveness of the pain we caused Thee
With rend-ed hearts we plead, mend our hearts;
Grant the blessings Thy Holy Hand imparts.

No more shall we grieve Thee, O Lord
We band together in one accord
Thanking Thee and Praising Thy Name
Thou art always and ever the Same
Holy Trinity, Holy Unity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Thy Heart, O to be near it
Thy Word, O to hear it
Thy Perfect Love,
We endear it.

© Mel Patterson, 12-15-08

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