Tuesday, July 13, 2010


The Holy Spirit came upon me today
Reality sweeping over my tear strewn face.
Knowing I'm perfectly loved by God I pray
With grateful heart, blessed by His grace.

Not only me has He loved to His Death
But everyone to whom He has given breath.

Without His having created me from a seed so long ago
Eternal Life would not be possible; this I know.
He placed me in the tender palm of His hand
Gazed upon me with a love so grand
Me, only a little speck of sand
Waiting the eternal Fatherland.

Not only me has He loved to His Death
But everyone to whom He has given breath.

May evangelizing be our ardent endeavor
Teaching that His Love will never sever
Spreading the gospel by thought, word and deed
Following the Lord's lead as prayerfully we intercede
For our brothers and sisters, all mankind
That they may see who may be blind.

Not only me has He loved to His Death
But everyone to whom He has given breath.

Let us to the best of our ability, help others to see
The saving power of His Majesty
That the Father sent His Son,
The Holy Mighty Three -in-One
Planned from the beginning of time
An Eternity so Divinely Sublime
~ It can be yours and mine ~
Oh God, Thou art wholly Holy and Divine!

Not only me has He loved to His Death
But everyone to whom He has given breath.

The day will come with Blood bought souls
Thus purified soar to heavenly goals
Pure hearts to Him we'll bring
All Praise to our Almighty King!
Thanksgivings and Praises ever ring,
With heavenly choruses we shall also sing!

Not only me has He loved to His Death
But everyone to whom He has given breath.

© Mel Patterson, 7-13-10

Thursday, July 01, 2010

A little grain of sand upon the beach
Has a lesson in humility to teach
Considering the numbers vast and wide
So high so deep a grain hides inside
Unnoticed, unknown, there nonetheless
Warmed by the sun in a warm caress.

Little grain of sand hidden from view
Still with his own little job to do
Fitting as placed there by the Creator's Hand
Right there on the beach within the sand
Unnoticed, unknown, there nonetheless
Warmed by the sun in a warm caress.

So are we, each one, one of many, yet all one
Placed here by the Mighty Three-in-One
Embraced by the Father, Holy Spirit and Son
One grain, in all the sands of time, won
From the plight of everlasting duress
Unnoticed, unknown, there nonetheless
Warmed by the sun in a warm caress
Enveloped by The SON in His Loving Caress.

© Mel Patterson 7-1-10