Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Do Thou rend our hearts, O Christ Jesus.
Who art we that Thou should please us?

Thou lovest us without measure,
Creating us for Thy holy pleasure.

We love Thee with hearts on sleeve
To Thine own heart our hearts cleave.

Teach us Thy way, Thy Truth and Thy Life;
Guide us through all earth's pain and strife.

Teach us to love as Thou dost love
And bringest us to Thy Heaven above.

We art fools for Thee, O Sweet Lord
Loving and Praising Thee in one accord.

There is not one other at all like Thee
From highest heaven to the swelling sea.

We art fools for no other but Thee
It is through Thee we camest to be.

Those fools for satan who follow his way
Lack love, light and peace in their day.

We prayest for them with hearts afire
That they wilt change their hearts desire.

Mayest many be saved by our constant prayer;
Mayest they know that we Christians care.

Thou wert a Fool for us on the Cross dying;
Our own hearts art thus panting and sighing
And in sorrow for Thy Passion art crying.

Thou didst buy our souls with Blood so red;
Like a Lamb to slaughter Thou wert led.

Fools for Christ Who wert Fool for us men
Through Thou ~ Salvation 'tis ours. Amen!
© Mel Patterson, April 1, 2009

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