Wednesday, July 01, 2009

In contemplating the Mother of our Lord
Meditating upon her as Mother of the Word
I hear her sweet, soft, tender voice
And I feel my soul in gratitude rejoice.

What does she say to one such as me;
To ponder such, how the possibility?
She would say, "Child, follow my Son.
By His Blood your soul He has won."

Her voice is sweet, soft and tender
To her, reverence and love we render
We pray her Holy Rosary alone and together
And plead her graces in all kinds of weather.

Speak, Mother, your children are listening
Your holy purity and radiance are glistening;
Our souls are alit with the fire of love
As you show us the way to heav'n above
To Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Teaching us never to fear it
But to everlastingly endear it.

We hear your sweet and tender voice
And our souls within us gladly rejoice.

© Mel Patterson, 7-1-09

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