Monday, July 31, 2006


O JOY of heart, JOY of spirit
The pealing of Church bells,
Do you hear it?

The King is coming, He's on His Way,
Listen to the rumble of sound !
Hear the thunder of justice !
The King of Glory is coming!

The clouds part and
The Lord, God appears
Amid Saints and Angel cheers!

Upon this awesome day we will hear Him say,
"Come, you who have served me well,
With me forever you will dwell,
While you who are locked in sin,
Shall enter into the pits of hell!"

Prepare, Prepare, Prepare !
Let no one be caught unaware !
While we have the chance to join that heavenly dance
Be aware, beware and prepare !

Let's pray souls receive Salvation,
And all God's children band in jubilation,
That with JOY of heart, JOY of spirit
We shall all hear
and cheer:

The King is coming, He's on His Way !

The King is coming, He's on His Way !!

The King is coming, He's on His Way !!!

© Mel Patterson, 8-1-06
" Lord, help my brother and sister today "

Praying for one another,
For our sister and our brother
Is pleasing to Our Blessed Lord
As we band together in one accord.

Each situation may be rough;
We pray enough strength to be tough,
With courage to face another day
Let's lift one another as we pray:

Lord, help my brother and sister today.

No matter how often we are asked to pray
Give us the compassion of Jesus this day.
Help us to emulate you, O Lord, please
So we turn not a deaf ear but fall to our knees.

In prayerful petition we pray for our friend
Not counting the cost even to the end
For it is in service to You we lift one another up
Til the saucer fills from the overflowing cup.

Lord, help my brother and sister today.

Lord, help my brother and sister today.
Lord, help my brother and sister today.

© Mel Patterson, 7-31-06

Monday, July 24, 2006


In a dream state I was late ~
for a Wedding;
my old clothes I was shedding.
Obstacles in my way
holding me sway
As I tried to wade through
all of the ado
I thought of the Minister, and the Groom
Waiting for me to arrive soon.

It all seemed like slow motion
My mind was full of commotion.
I was getting nowhere fast or slow,
Did not know if I should stay home or go.
I decided to go no matter how long it took;
I arrived as the Word was read from the Book.

A lesson I understand from the content of the dream
Was to live God's Law and avoid the desire to scheme.
Manipulation is wrong at best,
Pure intent the better quest.
A Banquet is waiting for the chosen
Who awaken from all the dozin'
Time for us to shape UP, I'm supposin'
Stoke up the fire in hearts so frozen.

The Bridegroom is ready to receive His Bride;
She walks up the aisle to stand by His Side.
The Book of Life is read and after all is said
With His arms open wide
He encloses her inside
And holds her to His Heart
Never evermore to part.

Off we go together, Hand in hand,
Thy Kingdom come,
THY WILL.....has been.....done.

© Mel Patterson, 7-24-06

Friday, July 07, 2006

" Soul Blessing "

My soul longs to be united with Thee;
Like a magnet Thou dost draw it near.
Lord, upon Thy strong arm, I rest;
Thou dost wipe away my every tear.

As I rest my head against Thy Heart
And hear it throbbing for love of me.
There is joy as I gaze into Thy eyes;
My own heart throbs for love of Thee.

With spiritual eyes my soul delights
In the rapture of Thy beautiful Face.
Grant that I may ever be Thine;
Bless my soul with Thy Spirit and Grace.

In that final hour Thou wilt bid me "Come,"
My soul to exalt in Thy Presence.
Thou will take my hand and lead me Home
Where I'll ever behold Thy Holy Essence.

© Mel Patterson, July 7, 2006