Wednesday, January 21, 2009

" GIFT of LIFE "

In the secret recesses of a woman's body conception takes place
And the cells of a new person are replicated through God's grace
Before time, as we know it, began, God willed this baby to be here
And that when birth occurred, heaven and earth would cheer.

Isn't it sad when a human life is stifled, not permitted to grow?
How is it human gods decide life is not worth living, how so?
It is sad enough when a baby dies in utero or after its' birth
How much better adoption, instead of sadness, joy and mirth.

To see baby for the very first time and to hear its' tiny voice
Affords mother and father the perfect reason to rejoice
And they are grateful to God they made the right choice.

Let us PRAISE GOD for the gift of life He gave us,
He is the Author, Creator and Finisher, His Royal Majesty.
Ardently pray to still the unconscionable travesty!
Unite for life from conception to natural death
Feel and hear baby's sweet breath.

Hear our voice ~
Life, a beautiful choice ~
In it we rejoice.

© Mel Patterson, 1-21-09

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Upon this early morning rising before Church bells peal
I find my soul at best basking in a presence so real
Where the Lord speaks to the core of my spirit
I pray my ears be open to hear it
As He gently enters and centers
His attention upon me
I am humbled.

His great love for us is impossible to understand;
Each one of us came into being at His command.
There is no other quite like the person you are;
You are as unique as the brightest sparkling star.

Stretching before us is the gift of another new day
With its' moments, minutes and hours we hold sway
What is it we will accomplish as the clock ticks away
Will we use it wisely and set time aside to pray?

It would be well to start the day in thanksgiving and prayer
And Praise the Lord God with deliberate heartfelt care
Upon this early morning rising before Church bells peal
Let's place our souls in God's Presence for real ~
Where He will speak to the core of our spirit;
O may our ears be attentive to hear it
As He gently enters and centers
His attention upon us
we are humbled.

© Mel Patterson - 1-18-09

Friday, January 02, 2009

PINK and GOLD Ribbons

These are the thoughts as my eyes see
Pink and gold ribbons calling me.

In the early morning rising I run to my window
And peer toward the far horizon
To see ribbons in the sky delighting my eye,
Bands of pink outlining oak and evergreen
This is the prettiest sight I've ever seen.

The pink precedes golden ribbons now appearing
Stretching wider into bands of color nearing
The onset of the sun so big, bright and beautiful
In daily praise and thanksgiving I am dutiful.

On a cloud-filled morning, no sun adorning
I know far above the gray and stormy cloud
Are angels in joyful chorus aloud
Waiting for me to join in their singing
And my own soul finds itself winging
Through the clouds, through pink ribbons
Through golden bands toward the Son
When my earthly life is done
My soul He has won.

Such are the thoughts as my eyes see
Pink and gold ribbons calling me.

© Mel Patterson, 1-2-08

Thursday, January 01, 2009

FAR SPENT, The Old Year
The old year has far been spent;
What have its' twelve months meant?
Did we use the year wisely or not
Were we miserly....or not?

Did we serve our neighbor kindly
Or selfishly act blindly.
Did we see our brother's need
Or did we feed our own greed?

The old year has far been spent;
Let's take it to God and repent.
The New Year has arrived today
Let's be kind in all we do and say.

Let us cover one another in prayer
Showing we are Christians by our care
Evangelize to those who need our Lord
And to Him all thanks and Praise accord.

Let them see to Whom we belong
Let them hear our Praises in song.
Be Christ to all whom we meet this year
Bringing love, encouragement, hope and cheer

To souls who by the wayside might be
Waiting for us, for you and for me
To tell them about Jesus Who came to save them
That He treasures each one like a precious gem.

The New Year has arrived today
Let's be kind in all we do and say.
For everyone's Salvation we'll pray
God is with us come what may!
He's the Truth, the Life and the Way.

© Mel Patterson 12-31-08