Wednesday, January 21, 2009

" GIFT of LIFE "

In the secret recesses of a woman's body conception takes place
And the cells of a new person are replicated through God's grace
Before time, as we know it, began, God willed this baby to be here
And that when birth occurred, heaven and earth would cheer.

Isn't it sad when a human life is stifled, not permitted to grow?
How is it human gods decide life is not worth living, how so?
It is sad enough when a baby dies in utero or after its' birth
How much better adoption, instead of sadness, joy and mirth.

To see baby for the very first time and to hear its' tiny voice
Affords mother and father the perfect reason to rejoice
And they are grateful to God they made the right choice.

Let us PRAISE GOD for the gift of life He gave us,
He is the Author, Creator and Finisher, His Royal Majesty.
Ardently pray to still the unconscionable travesty!
Unite for life from conception to natural death
Feel and hear baby's sweet breath.

Hear our voice ~
Life, a beautiful choice ~
In it we rejoice.

© Mel Patterson, 1-21-09

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