Sunday, June 27, 2010

When you are weary from the burdens you bear,
When you feel no one anywhere will ever care,
When you think you cannot go one step more,
When you are in pain through to your core,
Take it to the Lord. Take it to Jesus.

Life throws anything and everything our way
Often times it is satan who holds us sway
Storms and clouds, and tempests' shrouds
Coming upon us in leaps and bounds,
Take it to the Lord. Take it to Jesus.

As pilgrims we meander here and there
Like nomads only heaven knows where
We have only one life to live nary a spare
Sometimes provoked we sin on a dare,
Take it to the Lord. Take it to Jesus.

It takes great effort from sin to relent
Graces are ours if we choose to repent
All blessings given us are heaven-sent,
How have our lives been foolishly spent?
Take it to the Lord. Take it to Jesus.

Jesus Alone can fill the empty heart
Every grace and blessing He will impart
With open arms He proved His Love
The Only Son of the only God above,
Take it to Him.
Take it to the Lord. Take it to Jesus.

© Mel Patterson, 6-27-10

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