Sunday, January 28, 2007

" Flame "
An ecru jar candle burns ~
Vanilla fragrance fills the room
The flame flickers brightly
Banishing an oppressive gloom.

The gray-stone fireplace logs burn ~
Warm heat wafts through the room;
The flames lap like tongues of fire
Banishing the cold and gloom.

With snow outside, warmth within ~
The comfort and warmth of this room
Cause my grateful heart to burn with love
For my Lord Who banishes all gloom.

Contemplating the Lord's goodness
As I sit in my comfortable room
My spirit soars; the fire roars ~
All is LIGHT ~ gone is the gloom.

© Mel Patterson 1-28-07

Saturday, January 27, 2007

" Lord, God, I thank Thee "

In the velvety black of the midnight sky
Sprinkled with a glitter of stars on high
What lies before me is a sight to behold ~
I would not trade it for rubies nor gold.

The moon rises in the shape of a crescent
The sight of which is most pleasant;
I marvel that it seems to suspend in the air
And I wonder how far away it is up there.

Contemplating the vast beauty above me
I survey the panorama I see.
I am blessed beyond measure ~
Viewing the scene is sheer pleasure,
A hint of heavenly treasure,
Lord, God, I thank Thee
For this incredible beauty.
Lord, God,
I do thank Thee.

© Mel Patterson 1-27-07

Friday, January 26, 2007

" Renewal "

If my heart is pained and stripped bare
Is there anyone at all who would care
If I lived or died, screamed and cried,
Sobbed, trembled, choked and sighed?

If I wore my heart upon my sleeve
That for a life not lived well I'd grieve;
Would anyone at all notice my pain
Befriend me for their own gain
After waxing, see none, then wane?

Is it worth it to bare one's soul?
Will I ever be made whole?
That would be my ultimate goal.
Heartaches are taking their toll;
Lord, grant the drudgery a lull.

Upon bended knee
I plea
Forgive me.

With soul renewed and restored
I thank Thee profusely Dear Lord;
Thou lifted my burden and my heart
Thy love upon my being, please, impart,
So I may become more like Thee,

Thank Thee,

And Praise Thee...


© Mel Patterson 1-26-07

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

" Acceptance "

There is a sorrow deep inside of me,
That tugs at my heart and soul
It is regretting the missed opportunity
That ought to have been my spirit's goal.

How is it I did not see the Light?
Why did I not do what I planned?
It seems my soul chose only blight
As I planted my feet in only sand.

As I ponder and pray to you, O Lord
I am beginning to see it your way.
Keep me focused to your holy accord
Help me to mend and bend as you say.

I am yours, Lord, do with me what you will.

Teach me to acquiesce to your Holy Law;
O that I might always hear your call,
Never to ignore your pleading
You're always interceding
To the Father for me
Teach me to see
Thee in
That I mirror you
In all I say and do.

© Mel Patterson 1-23-07

Saturday, January 13, 2007

" Little Bundle "

Little bundle of pink fluff
You did not live long enough;
You stole my heart since first I saw you
Not to hear your voice, nor little coo,
Little infant babe born so long ago~
To God I offered you, even though
My heart was ripped and ill-equipped
To handle the morose sorrows
Flooding my spirit and my soul
Upon my heart your passing took its' toll.

As these forty years unfold
(For you, today, would have been that old)...
I rejoice in the gift of your precious life
You were spared this earthly strife ~
On your third day, Jesus embraced you
And took you away to where you are
Way above every star
In God's Kingdom ever to be,
And you wait for me
That I can plainly see,


Erin Mary.

© Mel Patterson 1-13-07

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

" I WAIT "

Do you hear me, Lord, when I call to you?
Do you know my every thought and word?
Do you know and see what I say and do?
When I am sad and cry, am I heard?

O dear child of mine, I hear every cry.
I hear what you say and I see what you do.
I am always near; I hear your every sigh
I cherish you and love you endlessly, too.

Before time began I knew you ~
I thought about you for a very long time;
I gave you life and an everlasting soul
That we might sing together in rhyme
For the wedding of your soul to Mine.

I offer you an eternity of wedded bliss,
A grand banquet set before your eyes;
I'll bless your soul with a Holy Kiss
And smilingly take your hand
to my promised land.
Take my hand.
Let me lead
I plead.
It is all for you all that I do.

. ...I wait....

© Mel Patterson 1-3-06