Sunday, February 18, 2007


His time had come, the hour was upon Him,
Agony in the garden our sins to pardon--
Oppressive mental and emotional pain
He suffered as if He had sinned ~ for our gain.
A traitor's kiss upon His cheek
Gave Him up to the approaching soldier
Gentle Jesus was ever so meek
As the Guards grew bolder and colder.
Thirty pieces of silver earned
Soon became revoltingly spurned.
Unquenchable sorrow
Judas saw no tomorrow
Not one more day to borrow
He groped for the rope
Cursed night of horror!

Switches beaten upon Jesus' back
Violently applied with vicious hate.
The soldiers never gave up any slack
Torture never seeming to abate.
Slashes, cuts, wounds, bleeding
Still to His Father for us interceding
He took every blow even though
The evil attacks were relentless
And certainly not event-less.
They couldn't know with each swing
They were savagely flogging a King.

They dragged Him off to a black dank cell
Pulling His body over ragged stone;
Trail of blood of this deed would tell,
Ripping His skin to His very bone.
Crown of piercing thorn to His head applied
Digging deep into His skull with pressure
And yet they mocked Him with angry chide
For their own sadistic evil pleasure.
They couldn't know with each swing
They were savagely crowning a King.

With crude ax a mighty tree they split
Into two cross bars, one short, one long
Forming it into a cross measured to fit
His carrying it, His torture to prolong.
The long arduous journey amid cruel jeers
Falling three times to angry sneers
Shoulder flesh and the pain sears ~
The wailing of women and men in tears
This was hell clear as a bell
This event History would tell.
They couldn't know with each swing
They were savagely killing a King.

A Cyrenian ordered to assist Him
Helped shoulder the cross upon the climb;
All knew the scene unfolding was grim
His death eminent, soon it would be time.
They threw the Cross crashing upon the ground
Rudely unclothed Him, shoved Him down ~
Then nails into His Hand and Feet pound
Appalling and gut-wrenching it did sound.
All ears could hear, all eyes could see
That all of this viciousness came to be
Witnessed by all, horribly!
They couldn't know with each swing
They were savagely killing a King.

They hiked up the Cross with a forceful jolt
Which tore at His precious Hands and Feet
Radiating painfully like a lightning bolt.
From their taunts - they did not retreat.
To harrass Him further they gave Him gall;
For love of man, He was giving His All ~
Did not His Father hear His soulful call,
"Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?"
"My God, my God,
why have You forsaken Me?"
Jesus felt abandoned we plainly see
Although He held onto the hope
Of returning to His Father in Glory.
He saw His sorrowful Mother grieving
And gave John to her believing
That in all their tomorrows and all the sorrows
They would comfort one another
Like a son and a mother
One to the other.
And now the appointed hour had arrived
Victorious Victim in spite of what satan contrived
Jesus died for our sin our souls to win
No sense wond'ring what might've been
This was the Father's Plan
Since time began
for mortal man.
They couldn't hear Angels reverently sing
In expectation of a Resurrected Glorious King !
O the JOY three days time would bring !

© Mel Patterson, February 19, 2007

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