Friday, November 21, 2008


Lord, you stand before me open hands extended;
I see those deathly wounds, your life expended!
I reach for them and my soul is at peace
For my sins, Lord, forgive me, please.

How I have grieved you, I'll never really know.
The look in your eyes your deep love does show
My heart breaks for the sorrow I have caused you
I'm very sorry for my own heart was tossed too.

Why did it take so long for me to come around
For me to realize I needed higher ground?
You, O Lord, are all that I will ever need.
Just walk ahead of me and kindly lead
me to that place of heavenly peace
where humbly I adore Thee on my knees
O, great King, my Lord and my God
I kiss the ground Thou dost trod!

Open hands reaching out to me,
Lord, forever I thank Thee
And evermore I'll praise Thee.

© Mel Patterson, 11-21-08

Jesus encourages us to be persistent
in prayer so that God will act.

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