Wednesday, April 04, 2007


As we meditate upon Your Crucifixion, O Lord
We are drawn to Your Holy Head crowned with thorn
And our souls and spirits within us mourn
Seeing You so sorely afflicted;
It should have been us they convicted.

O Sweet Head so wounded and bleeding
Here we are for mercy pleading
That many lost souls begin heeding
The message you delivered to every nation
News of Your Blood-bought Salvation.

O Precious Blood trickling down and past Your brow,
Eyes burning mercilessly yet You bore it somehow.
Your Body aching and itching as I think of it now
Nailed and suspended in excruciating pain
O Lord anyone else would have gone insane.

O Sweet Head so wounded and bleeding
Here we are for mercy pleading
That many lost souls begin heeding
The message you delivered to every nation
News of Your Blood-bought Salvation.

Struggling to breathe with your back arched
Unfathomable suffering, thirst, lips parched,
Thank You, Lord, for suffering such horrid anguish
In expiation for the sins in which we languish.
Accept our heartfelt sorrow for our sin
For in the netherworld we might have been.

O Sweet Head so wounded and bleeding
Here we are for mercy pleading
That many lost souls begin heeding
The message you delivered to every nation
News of Your Blood-bought Salvation.

© Mel Patterson, April 4, 2007

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