Saturday, April 07, 2007

" Song of Praise on Resurrection Day "

As you lay in the tomb, Fruit of Mary's womb,
How did the Holy Spirit descend and engineer it
That your precious body be empowered to rise
Revitalized, Fortified, Glorified, Sanctified?

O Lord Jesus Christ, our Risen Lord, we exalt you !
We Worship you, love you, thank you and Praise you !!
You are the Savior of the World !!!

Our Salvation has been won ~ by you, God's only Son;
From the Cross to the Grave to Resurrection,
No more doubts, no more insurrection.
Mighty is your Power; You are our High Tower;
We see satan glower and fearfully cower.
Gone is his hold over us !
Your Resurrection is Glorious !

O Lord Jesus Christ, our Risen Lord, we exalt you !
We Worship you, love you, thank you and Praise you !!
You are the Savior of the World !!!

© Mel Patterson, 4-8-07

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