Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Thank you, Lord, for the gift of time,
In which you give us every chance
to ready our souls for your coming;
Guide us, Lord, to your Heavenly Dance.

O the joy of the moment when you call
Taking us at the appointed hour
Leading us one by one,
when all is said and done,
To your Majesty's Celestial Tower.

We await your coming with hope-filled hearts.
In Faith we know your Promise is true,
When we shall spend all of eternity
With Angels and Saints and You.

Your Angels and Saints forever adore You,
Your Mother waits patiently by your side
To meet and greet us as we enter the Gate,
(we can hardly wait to participate)
Where we shall in Joyful gladness ever abide.

PRAISE be to YOU, O LORD our GOD !!!
We can hardly contain the heart's desire
When that moment in time does arrive
And we hear the JOYFUL Heavenly Choir.
O how our hearts aspire
with Holy Spirit fervor and Fire !!!

© Mel Patterson, 3-29-06

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

" COME "

Our God of Glory bids us "Come!
Come to the Banquet and dine,
Come to the Table I have prepared,
For I love you, you are mine."

The Feast of Plenty is ready for us.
We accept the invitation as we proCESS,
Naming, Acclaiming and Proclaiming
That JESUS is THE LORD whom we profess.

Our God of Glory bids us "Come!
Come to the Banquet and dine,
Come to the Table I have prepared,
For I love you, you are mine."

The awesome gift of Salvation is ours
Through the merits of Jesus' Death
When He laid His Life down for love of us,
To the cost of His very last Breath.

Our God of Glory bids us "Come!
Come to the Banquet and dine,
Come to the Table I have prepared,
For I love you, you are mine."

O Resurrected Lord, Sacred Divinity,
Through Salvation we are Gifted
Thank You and Praise You forever, Jesus;
Our hearts and souls You have lifted.

Our God of Glory bids us "Come!
Come to the Banquet and dine,
Come to the Table I have prepared,
For I love you, you are mine."

Holy Lord, Awesome God for all Eternity,
Immortal, Sacred, Majestic, Divine,
Who always was and is through all Infinity,
ALL GLORY BE forever THINE !!!

Our God of Glory bids us "Come!
Come to the Banquet and dine,
Come to the Table I have prepared,
For I love you, you are mine."

© Mel Patterson, 3-28-06

Friday, March 24, 2006

" Thank you, Lord "

The Light of Christ is upon us
Through tribulation and trial.
The Love of Christ envelops us
Every inch of every mile.

O Lord, you refresh the soul
And Lord, you are our desire.
You are our ultimate goal;
Fill us with Holy Spirit Fire !

Thank you, Lord, for every good grace.
Thank you for the blessings you give.
Wherever we are in whatever place,
We'll praise you for as long as we live.

Lord, God of Heaven and Earth,
You have carved us in the Palm of your Hand;
You have loved each of us from our birth,
And came to lead us to your Heavenly Land.

Blessed Shepherd, Keeper of the Gate,
Lead us to that pasture lush and green.
Your sheep gather before it's too late
For the Home no eye has yet seen.

GLORY to you, O beautiful Lord.
Our hearts are full of anticipation.
Voices in Heaven and Earth in one accord
Sing in JOYFUL expectation !!!

All glory and honor are yours, Almighty God and Father !!!

© Mel Patterson, 3-25-06

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

" I'll NEVER be the SAME "

Oh, my Lord, words escape me
In how to PRAISE You rightly;
Yet here I am struggling along
With words rhyming only slightly.

It is in PRAISE of You I try
So inadequately to honor and adore
You with words of worship
That should ooze from my every pore.

Forgive my feeble attempts
To give You adequate PRAISE,
When all I truly want to do
Is to be with you all of my days.

Unite my heart with Yours, Lord.
Keep me close by Your side;
Embrace me and tell me you love me.
Within your sacred wounds bid me hide.

Take me, break me, make me like You;
Hold me, enfold me, and mold me.
It is only with You I wish to be
Throughout all of eternity.

Take this humble Praise I give;
It comes with love from my heart.
Tell me you will accept it, please,
And that we shall never be apart.

I love You, O Lord, my God.
I'll love you beyond my death;
I shall love You forever and always
Even after my last shallow breath.

Because of You I have breath and life;
You have guided me from my birth.
How I pray that one glorious day
You will come to take me from this earth.

O God, Father, Abba, Adonai,
You have blessed me beyond all measure;
You treat me as tho' I were -- a treasure.
Glory and Praise be Your Holy Name.
Because of You, I'll never be the same.

Glory and Praise be Your Holy Name.
Because of You, I'll never be the same

Glory and Praise be Your Holy Name !!!

© Mel Patterson, 3-21-06

Saturday, March 11, 2006


The seedling did not know,
When it peeked its' head above the ground
That it would one day grow
Tall, sturdy, strong and sound.

The growing tree did not know,
Bathing in the rain, basking in the sun,
That one day it would make history,
By being the Cross of God's only Son.

The tree did not know,
That men had a sinister plan to use it.
They chopped and axed it to the ground,
Hauled it away; how they did abuse it.

The tree did not know,
As those men chopped and shaped it,
That two crossbars, one long, one short,
The Body of Jesus would have draped it.

The tree finally knew
His purpose was in serving God;
To Lift up The Spotless Lamb,
God chose, eons ago, a tiny little pod.

The Tree knew it was a symbol
because of JESUS' Death
on its' wood.
It might have chosen a different path
if only it could.

Beautiful tree, hollowed wood,
Shaped, sanded and planed,
Jesus died and rose again,
Eternity we have gained

Tree of Life - tall and straight
Cross of Christ Crucified,
Because of His Death and Resurrection,

© Mel Patterson, 3-11-06

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Verse-a-lette of Praise

The seedling is planted and grows.
How does it germinate do you suppose?
With water, sun and care so tender,
A shoot begins to praise God's splendor.

Animals on land and birds of the air
Trust in you to provide for their care
Without question they multiply and divide
With not a thought of worry or pride.

You multiply the earth in your great plan.
Your Son brings Salvation to mortal man.
From the moment of our human conception
You ready our souls for Heaven's Reception.

Holy, Mighty and Immortal LORD,
ALL Creation sings in one Accord
GOD, our FATHER up above,

© Mel Patterson, 3-9-06

Sunday, March 05, 2006

" SPRING is in the AIR "

SPRING is in the air.
Birds of every feather will fly
Singing joyful twittering songs
As their wings soar through the sky.


SPRING is in the air.
Nature wakes up and moves about.
Birds of the air and all living beings,
In a cacophony of sound will shout!


SPRING is in the air.
Soon crocuses will show their heads.
Beautiful blooms will glorify God
From earths' colorful flower beds.


SPRING is in the air.
'Tis the Season of Hope and Love.
Easter will soon be upon us
Thanks be to God above!


© Mel Patterson 3-5-06

Saturday, March 04, 2006

" Mary's Sorrowful Lament "

BLOOD of my blood,
My beautiful precious Son ...
O my GOD what have they done?

FLESH of my flesh,
Who knew that my "Yes,"
Would result in this sorrowful mess?

BONE of my bone,
My heart is shred into a million pieces.
I pray this cruel torture soon ceases.

HEART of my heart,
You are ripped, stripped and lying bare..
Does not anyone anywhere care?

Cross, O terrible Cross,
With you, my Son, nailed to it;
O my GOD, why did they do it?

BREATH of my breath,
Gasping, struggling, shallow, dying;
I can not help you and I am crying.

DEATH of my……death,
Lifeless they place you close to my heart;
Oh Jesus, why must you and I part?

Jesus, JESUS, O my SON,
I want to hold you close and not let go;
I have never-ever in this life felt so low.

SPIRIT of my spirit,
A flicker of hope within me remains;
It is exactly what Your FATHER ordains.

Inspite of tears and sorrow
Spilling on into tomorrow,
Within my spirit I know
Your life was not in vain;
This inspiration keeps me sane;
Eternal life will be my gain.

May ALL PRAISE forever be THINE!
Assume me into heaven with Thee
And blissful forever shall I be.

© Mel Patterson, 3-4-06

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


While we begin this Season of Lent
Let us be mindful of the time Jesus spent
In meditation, prayer and fasting
To gift us with life everlasting.

He sweat beads of blood from His brow
And contemplating upon that now,
I am reminded of the stench of my sin;
He suffered and died ~ my soul to win.

His scourging grieves my soul to tears;
He suffered sorely among heartless jeers.
Relentless switches with whip of fire.
Lord Jesus, our souls Thou did so desire.

O wicked Crown of Thorn
Thy beautiful head did adorn !
Each one digging deep into your head,
O Lord, it should have been me instead.

Your own Cross they bid you carry
And they beat you lest you tarry.
Heavy wood cutting into your shoulder
With each step, their hearts grew colder.

They threw you upon the ground
Nails into your hands and feet were pound.
They hiked you high upon Cross so tall;
And for your thirst they offered you gall.

The seven last words that you had spoken
With bruised body, beaten, bloodied and broken
Are recorded in the Bible which we read today;
We honor your Passion as we meditatively pray.

In fear from that hill they fled
While thunder and lightening sped
Through the place of your death
Where you breathed your last breath;
Your public life was finally done.
For they killed you, God's Only Son.

Awaiting your promise that you will rise
On Easter Sunday amid joyous cries,
We trust in you our Lord and Savior
For the Glory your remnant shall savor.


© Mel Patterson, Ash Wednesday, March 1, 2006