Friday, August 28, 2009


Patience, child, the time has not yet arrived.
I'm with you regardless of what satan's contrived.
The time has not yet come to leave this world
Even though you're tired of being hurled
here, there, and everywhere.
Be in constant prayer and know I care.
I will never leave you nor forsake you.
You are in my Heart for ever and ever.
Remember that I make all things new
My heart from you will never ever sever.
Come to Me for there are Blessings to share;
Be in constant prayer and know I care.
Come to Me, child, in prayer often
It's the key by which my Heart will soften.
You, Precious, are the apple of my eye
My Love for you is higher than the sky.
I love you, yes you - like no other
After all, you're my mother, sister and brother.
I want to give you Graces, child so fair,
Be in constant prayer and know I care.

© Mel Patterson, 8-27-09

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Why this early morning rising? Why this sleepless night?
Could it be a chastising or a lesson with new insight?
How shall I read this moment at hand right here, right now?
Shall I delve deep within my soul or forget myself somehow?

A soft whisper within my heart I hear, a hint of your will
To pray for a someone whose heart only your love can fill.
Someone is crying out in his own wilderness, his pain;
Let this simple prayer be for him a blessing, a gain.

Bless this brother with what he truly needs
Plant within his heart plentiful seeds
That nourishment, water, and sun will sow
his soul to peaceful pallor and grow.

Inspire him to be a blessing to others
That he will pray for his sisters and brothers
As ripples in a stream that widen to river and sea
Spreading over an expanse into eternity
Enveloping everyone, even me.
Lord, God, we Thank and Praise Thee.

Why this early morning rising, this sleepless night?
Lord, thank you for the blessing of insight
of your calling me to stay and pray
so early this day.
Thanks and Praise to Thee.

© Mel Patterson, 7-21-09

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

In contemplating the Mother of our Lord
Meditating upon her as Mother of the Word
I hear her sweet, soft, tender voice
And I feel my soul in gratitude rejoice.

What does she say to one such as me;
To ponder such, how the possibility?
She would say, "Child, follow my Son.
By His Blood your soul He has won."

Her voice is sweet, soft and tender
To her, reverence and love we render
We pray her Holy Rosary alone and together
And plead her graces in all kinds of weather.

Speak, Mother, your children are listening
Your holy purity and radiance are glistening;
Our souls are alit with the fire of love
As you show us the way to heav'n above
To Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Teaching us never to fear it
But to everlastingly endear it.

We hear your sweet and tender voice
And our souls within us gladly rejoice.

© Mel Patterson, 7-1-09

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

O Lord, you deserved to ascend to the Glory of the Father
Far beyond the Passion and death with which you had to bother
For our sakes, the sheep of your pasture aimlessly wandering
So taken up with earthly treasures wantonly squandering.

For forty days after your Resurrection you walked the earth
Your Ascension foreshadows our soul and glorified body's rebirth.
To you, O Lord, be all glory, praise, adoration and laud
Hopefully and faithfully we await your coming on a cloud.

After the resurrection of the dead, final judgment to come
Many are being called, yet sadly, answer only some.
When all is done, you take your sheep
to the best, heavenly rest,
while others go to the deep
Where pit fires burn and no one can sleep.

In Heaven all the angels and saints adore you
We will be with them praising and worshipping, too.
Choirs of angels will sweetly be singing
Our hearts on our sleeves we'll be bringing
To your heart ours will be clinging
Joyous bells will be ringing.

O Lord, you deserved to ascend to Glory
Your life told the most beautiful story
of Love unequivocal and Blessed
You O Lord are our Saving Guest.

© Mel Patterson, 5-19-09

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Your nail-scarred hand I see before me as you gently approach
And I take your hand and bring it softly to my cheek
Then lovingly and compassionately kiss the wound,
The wound you suffered for love of sinners such as me.

O Lord, for love of us you bore the ultimate in sufferings and death.
You became sin, horrid and putrid, as you bared your spirit and soul,
As you bore humiliation which truly was ours to bear.

God, in Jesus, through Jesus, magnanimous love profound
We attune our ears to choirs and lyres of heavenly sound
Eternity of bliss promised as paths are made straight
Come soon, O Lord our God, we can barely wait.

© Mel Patterson, 5-17-09

Friday, April 24, 2009

My penitent heart was heavy praying in Church
I knelt sorrowfully until completing my search
for You, Lord,
were coming t'ward me in robe of rose
Gently lifting me up to a blessed and sweet repose.

The gift of Your Divine Presence, how can it be?
I can still see Your coming, Lord, walking towards me
Cupping my elbows with Your tender and loving hands.

You invite me to follow You ~ if I would perchance?
Satan swiftly flees at Your firm commands
And I'm free to waltz with You
in the Heavenly dance.

This is the place I never want to leave;
My soul to Yours will forever cleave.
Invite me again ~ if You would perchance?
That I may join You once more
in the Heavenly dance.

© Mel Patterson, 4-24-09

Thursday, April 02, 2009

In the depth of my sin, I hear You;
When I run, You steadily follow.
You see all that I wrongly do,
And watch as in mire I wallow.

The mountainous terrains are rough;
The dark nights blind my sight.
The cavernous valleys are tough;
Why do I put up such a fight?

You tap on the door of my mind,
Touch the hardness of my heart,
My mud caked soul you unbind
Washing it, salvation to impart.

Why so relentless Your pursuance
Of my soul small as a grain of sand?
Why lift me to You with the assurance
All I need do is take your Hand?

Your Precious Blood bathes my soul
You cleanse the depth of my being
You show me the Prize, the Utmost Goal
The scales fall away and I am seeing.

Your boundless Love surrounds me
I begin to see the reason I'm here
With peace and joy you crown me
You've wiped away my every tear.

© Mel Patterson, April 2, 2009

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Do Thou rend our hearts, O Christ Jesus.
Who art we that Thou should please us?

Thou lovest us without measure,
Creating us for Thy holy pleasure.

We love Thee with hearts on sleeve
To Thine own heart our hearts cleave.

Teach us Thy way, Thy Truth and Thy Life;
Guide us through all earth's pain and strife.

Teach us to love as Thou dost love
And bringest us to Thy Heaven above.

We art fools for Thee, O Sweet Lord
Loving and Praising Thee in one accord.

There is not one other at all like Thee
From highest heaven to the swelling sea.

We art fools for no other but Thee
It is through Thee we camest to be.

Those fools for satan who follow his way
Lack love, light and peace in their day.

We prayest for them with hearts afire
That they wilt change their hearts desire.

Mayest many be saved by our constant prayer;
Mayest they know that we Christians care.

Thou wert a Fool for us on the Cross dying;
Our own hearts art thus panting and sighing
And in sorrow for Thy Passion art crying.

Thou didst buy our souls with Blood so red;
Like a Lamb to slaughter Thou wert led.

Fools for Christ Who wert Fool for us men
Through Thou ~ Salvation 'tis ours. Amen!
© Mel Patterson, April 1, 2009

Friday, February 27, 2009

When I lift my eyes, my heart and my soul
In prayer to Thee, my God
I know Thy Presence is attending
As my soul seems to be ascending
Far and away from this earth's cares
And I know Thou art hearing my prayers.

Then all too soon I am ripped
And stripped
Back to earth again to be gripped
By woes here below
I wish it were not so
But here it is I must grow
Even though
By faith I know
I shall again ascend
and descend
Until Thou callest me
To be with Thee

© Mel Patterson, 2-27-09

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

" GIFT of LIFE "

In the secret recesses of a woman's body conception takes place
And the cells of a new person are replicated through God's grace
Before time, as we know it, began, God willed this baby to be here
And that when birth occurred, heaven and earth would cheer.

Isn't it sad when a human life is stifled, not permitted to grow?
How is it human gods decide life is not worth living, how so?
It is sad enough when a baby dies in utero or after its' birth
How much better adoption, instead of sadness, joy and mirth.

To see baby for the very first time and to hear its' tiny voice
Affords mother and father the perfect reason to rejoice
And they are grateful to God they made the right choice.

Let us PRAISE GOD for the gift of life He gave us,
He is the Author, Creator and Finisher, His Royal Majesty.
Ardently pray to still the unconscionable travesty!
Unite for life from conception to natural death
Feel and hear baby's sweet breath.

Hear our voice ~
Life, a beautiful choice ~
In it we rejoice.

© Mel Patterson, 1-21-09

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Upon this early morning rising before Church bells peal
I find my soul at best basking in a presence so real
Where the Lord speaks to the core of my spirit
I pray my ears be open to hear it
As He gently enters and centers
His attention upon me
I am humbled.

His great love for us is impossible to understand;
Each one of us came into being at His command.
There is no other quite like the person you are;
You are as unique as the brightest sparkling star.

Stretching before us is the gift of another new day
With its' moments, minutes and hours we hold sway
What is it we will accomplish as the clock ticks away
Will we use it wisely and set time aside to pray?

It would be well to start the day in thanksgiving and prayer
And Praise the Lord God with deliberate heartfelt care
Upon this early morning rising before Church bells peal
Let's place our souls in God's Presence for real ~
Where He will speak to the core of our spirit;
O may our ears be attentive to hear it
As He gently enters and centers
His attention upon us
we are humbled.

© Mel Patterson - 1-18-09

Friday, January 02, 2009

PINK and GOLD Ribbons

These are the thoughts as my eyes see
Pink and gold ribbons calling me.

In the early morning rising I run to my window
And peer toward the far horizon
To see ribbons in the sky delighting my eye,
Bands of pink outlining oak and evergreen
This is the prettiest sight I've ever seen.

The pink precedes golden ribbons now appearing
Stretching wider into bands of color nearing
The onset of the sun so big, bright and beautiful
In daily praise and thanksgiving I am dutiful.

On a cloud-filled morning, no sun adorning
I know far above the gray and stormy cloud
Are angels in joyful chorus aloud
Waiting for me to join in their singing
And my own soul finds itself winging
Through the clouds, through pink ribbons
Through golden bands toward the Son
When my earthly life is done
My soul He has won.

Such are the thoughts as my eyes see
Pink and gold ribbons calling me.

© Mel Patterson, 1-2-08

Thursday, January 01, 2009

FAR SPENT, The Old Year
The old year has far been spent;
What have its' twelve months meant?
Did we use the year wisely or not
Were we miserly....or not?

Did we serve our neighbor kindly
Or selfishly act blindly.
Did we see our brother's need
Or did we feed our own greed?

The old year has far been spent;
Let's take it to God and repent.
The New Year has arrived today
Let's be kind in all we do and say.

Let us cover one another in prayer
Showing we are Christians by our care
Evangelize to those who need our Lord
And to Him all thanks and Praise accord.

Let them see to Whom we belong
Let them hear our Praises in song.
Be Christ to all whom we meet this year
Bringing love, encouragement, hope and cheer

To souls who by the wayside might be
Waiting for us, for you and for me
To tell them about Jesus Who came to save them
That He treasures each one like a precious gem.

The New Year has arrived today
Let's be kind in all we do and say.
For everyone's Salvation we'll pray
God is with us come what may!
He's the Truth, the Life and the Way.

© Mel Patterson 12-31-08