Saturday, October 08, 2011

As this blessed and glorious day unfolds
I want to grab all the beauties it holds
And cleave them to my very breast
Where in the Lord I may take my rest.
Only hours ago the raging sea
Violently lapped angrily 'round me
Heavy chains fiercely pulled me down;
It seemed I was about to drown.
As I thrashed and splashed trying to pull free
Two mighty arms took a strong hold on to me
Those chains fell off and steadily up I went
With grateful relief I began my ascent
O My, Jesus, you are heaven-sent,
Buoying me up with grip so strong
O Triune God, to you I belong
Now I break into joyful song!
As this blessed and glorious day unfolds
I want to grab all the beauties it holds
Basking in the warm rays of Son light
Buoyed by Him my soul takes flight.
Thank God I'm ever in His sight!
© Mel Patterson, 10-8-11

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