Sunday, October 30, 2011


As another day begins, the sun peaks over the horizon
And holds the promise of blessings yet to unfold
The act of this realization is itself a mighty gift
And the majestic powers of God appear, Behold!
Wind, chill, sleet, snow, rain, sun ~ all bathe the earth
And claim the world belongs to our God above
The act of this realization is itself a mighty gift
That He gives to us through His unconditional love.
The pilgrimage from our births to the end of our days
Plunge us into valleys yet elevate us to the skies
The act of this realization is itself a mighty gift
Keeping us ever under His loving watchful eyes.
The day will surely come when our journey is done
The Lord will come to meet us His arms open wide,
The act of this realization is itself a mighty gift,
He'll embrace us and with Him forever we'll abide.
© Mel Patterson, 10-3-11

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